Frequently Asked Questions About Homeopathy(FAQ)
Q. Is Homoeopathy a proved science?
Ans. Homoeopathy is a science based on sound logic and vast experimental data. Homoeopathy is the only medical science where data has been collected by proving on human beings and not on animals because human beings can communicate their actual feelings during the testing while animals can not. The principle of Homoeopathy have been derived and authenticated by vast clinical experiments and data.
Q. Is it true that Homoeopathic medicines are only placebos (sugar pills)?
No. The pills of Homoeopathic medicines are made from sugar but they work only as vehicles. Actual liquid medicines prepared from various natural medicinal substances, is poured over the pills and dispensed as medications. Homoeopathic medicines are also available in liquid form or tinctures, which can be administered directly or by diluting them in water whenever required.
Q. Is Homoeopathy safe and effective for infants and children?
Homoeopathic remedies are safefor infants and children and can be given to children & infants without any risk.
Q. In which disease condition, Homoeopathic treatment is more effective?
There is no any condition that Homoeopathy can not treat. Conditions from a simple cold to cancer can be treated effectively with Homoeopathy. As for Homoeopathic treatment, we need the individual symptoms of the patients suffering from any disease and not the diagnosis of the disease.
Q. What is the advantage of taking Homoeopathic medicines from a qualified doctor?
There is the vast advantages oftaking Homoeopathic medicines from a qualified doctor as he is qualified to judge severity anddepth of your illness and thereby prevent undue complication later on, which could be overlooked by a simple practitioner due to his ignorance of medical knowledge.Only a qualified physician can guide you towards a complete mental, emotional, spiritual,physical and pathological recovery.
Q. Are there anyside effects of Homoeopathic medicines?
No there are no any side effects of Homoeopathic medicines. Sometimes after getting Homeopathic medicines, some old symptoms like skin rushes or constipation which was suppressed earlier after some other treatment, may reappear but this doesn't means that you need some other Homeopathic medicine, these old symptoms will go away automatically in a very short period of time and you are healed completely and permanently.
Q. Can Diabetic patients take Homoeopathic medicine?
Certainly, the diabetic patients take Homoeopathic medicines. As the Homoeopathic pills are composed of lactose that is not harmful for the diabetic patients. On the other hand, the daily dietary intake of sugar by a person would normally for exceed the minute quantity consumed in the form of Homoeopathic pills (Approximately the quantity of sugar consumed with 1 cup of tea is same as being consumed by entire week of Homoeopathic medication).
Q. Does one have to stop other medicines which the patient has been taking?
No. The patient should not stop the medicines which he has been taking. It should be tapered gradually once the patient is improving but this should be done in consultation with the treating physician.
Q. Is Homoeopathy effective in Allergic diseases?
Due to multiple factors like drugs, stress, hormones etc, immune system is compromised and people of all ages groups start getting allergic to certain food item, dust, pollens, pets, weather changes or medicines. Allergic can effect the respiratory tract, digestive tract , skin , etc , where homoeopathy is very effective.
Q. Is Homoeopathy is effective in surgical diseases?
Surgery is a medical technology consisting of a physical intervention on tissues. Medicines have its own limitations, therefore homeopathy is not a replacement of surgery. Surgical procedure helps in the conditions where medicines have limited or not role, and where surgical aid / operation can cure or improve the circulation. There are number of diseases labeled as surgical where homeopathy walks curatively and can avoid surgery . Some such ailments are :- Recurrent tonsillitis, warts, fistula, piles, chronic ear infection, nasal polyp, corns, kidney and gall bladder stones,ovarian cyst, uterine fibroids, etc.
Q. Why detailed history of the patient is needed while taking homoeopathic case taking?
Detailed history of the patient is very much needed while taking homoeopathic case, homoeopathy beliefs in treating the individual and not the disease. So the physician needs to know the individual and not about his disease. Also the chronic diseases are due to suppression of the skin affection or emotions, hence detailed history will reveal whether any ailments suppressed has leave to present complaints.
Q. Do homoeopathic medicines have steroids?
No, homoeopathic medicines don't have any steroids. All homoeopathic medicines are prepared by using scientific methods of extracting the medical properties from there respective sources. There is no any scope to adulterate the derived medicines with any other substances, as these would completely obliterate the curative properties of the same. So any addition to the original medicine would completely alter its medicinal properties and hence alter it non curative .Also if steroid is added the medicines will taste bitter. As after seeing many cases and its improvement in a very short period of time people think that homeopaths gives steroids. If the patient has any doubts he should check the medicines from standard laboratory before consuming any medicines.
Q. Is it safe to take homoeopathic medicines during pregnancy?
Yes, it is better to take homoeopathic medicines during pregnancy as it will have lots of benefits to the mother and the child. The child will be much healthier and the medicines will help to fight the hereditary diseases which are carried from generation to generation. If homoeopathic medicines are given during pregnancy, the delivery would be normal and easier.
Q. Why homoeopathy is called holistic medicines?
Homoeopathic system of treatment considers person as a whole entity with his mental, physical and emotional symptoms. It does not put a diagnostic label on the person. Where the homeopathic case taking is done, it contains complete details of every symptom regarding its causation, location, duration, sensation, extension, modalities and concomitants including any particular or key note symptoms. Past ailments and family history are considered while prescribing. The treatment is aimed to heal the person as a whole.