Homoeopathy is an alternative method of treatment, based on the nature's law of cure namely "Like Cures Like" . The term Homoeopathy comes from the Greek words "Homoeo" meaning similar and "Pothos" meaning suffering or diseases.

The truth of this law was discovered by a German scientist Dr. Samuel Hahnemann in 1796, and has been verified experimentally and clinically for 200 years.

Homoeopathy is the second largest popular system of medicine in the world today. Its emerging as the complete therapeutic science capable of treating most of the acute and chronic diseases in human body. It is practically beneficial and satisfactory science available to millions of people in the world without any complications. More and more people in the world are taking treatment because of its miraculous recovery without any side effects.

Homoeopathy is a daring natural treatment, taking the view that true healing implies healing on all levels of existence by addressing and reinforcing the life force. In homoeopathy healing means becoming free from anything that blocks inner peace, balance and wellness. On the physical plane this means curing the physical symptoms, for instance nausea or a headache. On the emotional plane this could for example mean freeing yourself of fears. On the mental plane this could imply losing your depression or certain delusions. As a result of the disappeared blockages the life- energy can flow freely again, thus supporting your spiritual growth. Therefore homoeopathy claims to heal complete beings - not diseases.

Homoeopathy mainly works with the sub-atomic reality; it goes beyond matter, consciously pointing a specific type of energy towards a unique person or animal. How does that work? The starting point is the vital force, the life force, the unseen principle that enlivens the body and constantly attempts to keep it healthy and balanced, enabling the soul to express itself in the material world. In former days homeopaths like J.T. Kent called it simple substance. This life force is influenced by inner and outer changes (surroundings!) If our physical, emotional and mental bodies are in harmony, or, like Kent says if the will, the intellect and the body of an individual work together, we see a healthy person. When these bodies do not cooperate, what means that you leave the path your soul wishes to take, or that you find yourself in destructive surroundings, inner balance will be disturbed, the life force will be (partly) blocked and disease can enter. This life force is ruled by the soul. The soul is our divine part, unassailable by any influence. So the life force is the highest part in us that can be altered in a positive way; and that's exactly what homoeopathy does. The life force is immaterial and therefore homoeopathy tries to reach the immaterial level; it does so by the process of potentizing the remedies. ...

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